I chose to create a digipak that made buyers and fans feel like they were getting to know the artist that little bit more. The digipak is created to present the more personal side of the artist. It's similar to the R&B group TLC's digipak where they all wrote thank you letters to their loved ones - however, distinctly to this (my) digipak, Rihanna (the aritist) has dedicated her album to her best friend and included exclusive pictures of herself and her her friend. I also saw that on many R&B artists digipaks they have provided the lyrics to their songs, I incorporated this onto the back of my digipak. So, the digipak as a whole is a 6 page, double-sided digipak that opens up including a personal letter from Rihanna to her fans and her friend, exclusive behind-the-scenes pictures and lyrics to a few of her songs. My digipak is to be opened up like a poster rather than the conventional corresponding booklet.
I chose to incorporate many aspects from real media products onto my magazine advert. These aspects include: Critics from major news papers, logos of places where the album will be available rather than just using text and advertising the artists website as well. I couldn't think of many ways to make the advert particularly creative, but like I stated in my creative/design briefs, my aim is to present the artist as sophisticated and edgy - my way of doing this was by keeping my colour scheme (black and natural lighting) concrete throughout all ancillary tasks. Also, because I am very confident that my album cover is eye-catching, if a person was flipping through a magazine, they'd stop to look at the image and then eventually get to reading the information. Lastly, my aim for the magazine advert was to be more informative than creative. The detail is required for the product to sell. 

For my album cover, I researched heavily into both female R&B artists previous album covers as well as females from other genre's. t did this because although I wanted to create an album cover that resembled real media products and remained conventional, I also wanted it to be different and original. My album cover is very simply laid out. I only kept the writing on it to a minimum because I wanted the artists face to be the most distinct thing on there. I wanted buyers and the target audience to be able to immediately notice how strong and piercing the image is, and reflective of the title of the album - Immoral. It is aimed to make the audience think that the music on the album will be just as strong and charismatic as the artist and the photo on the album cover. I used darkening effects on Adobe Photoshop.
This is looking both conventional and original in the design you have chosen. Please provide a detailed commentary on the process, your intentions and an analysis of your product compared to those you researched?